micrAlert Coliforms

micrAlert Coliforms

SKU: BM0016-M055-3 Category:

BM0016 micrAlert Coliforms is a selective medium for the detection, recovery, and isolation of coliforms from cleaned, disinfected inanimate surfaces.
It may be used in conjunction with SW0006 micrAlert Neutraliser Swab Kit.

Coliforms are facultatively anaerobic, Gram-negative bacteria that belong within the Enterobacteriaceae family.
They are oxidase-negative, can ferment and produce gas from lactose when grown at 37°C, and express β-galactosidase activity.
Escherichia coli can be further identified by producing growth at 44°C and indole from tryptophan.
BM0016 micrAlert Coliforms is based on Minerals Modified Glutamate Medium, intended for enumerating coliforms from water samples.

A medium containing glutamic acid was devised by Folpmers in 1948 (1) then further developed by Gray (2) in 1959 as a potential replacement for MacConkey Broth.
In 1964, Gray then further modified the media to incorporate a variety of minerals to allow better lactose fermentation by coliforms and Escherichia coli (3).


1. Folpmers, T. (1948) Is it justified to use Lactose Broth for the detection of Bact. coli in the presumptive test of routine water analysis. Leeuwenhoek ned. Tijdschr. 14: 58.
2. Gray, R.D. (1959) Formate lactose glutamate: a chemically defined medium as a possible substitute for MacConkey Broth in the presumptive coliform examination of water. J. Hyg. Camb., 57(3):249-265.
3. Gray, R.D. (1964) An improved formate lactose glutamate medium for the detection of Escherichia coli and other coliform organisms in water. J Hyg (Lond). 62(4):495-508.

Additional Information


Pack Size

Shelf Life






Recommended Incubation

37 ± 1°C aerobically for 24 ± 2 hours



Product Description

Organisms Ref. No Result
E. coli NCTC 12241 Broth: Acid production = +ve (Yellow). Subplate: Red colonies
K. aerogenes NCTC 10006 Broth: Acid production = +ve weak (Grey-yellow). Subplate: Red colonies
P. aeruginosa NCTC 12903 Broth: Acid production = -ve (Purple). Subplate: Green colonies
E. faecalis NCTC 12697 Inhibited: Acid = -ve (Purple, unchanged)

Incubate aerobically at 37 ± 1°C for 24±2 hours.

Subculture 10μl of the productivity broths onto E&O PP0470 MacConkey Agar without Salt and incubate at 37 ± 1°C aerobically for 18-24 hours.